Hollow Knight: VoidHeart [Tribute Album]

Hello people! It’s release time of the fifth Pixel-Mixers album of 2021.

We are proud to present Voidheart – A Hollow Knight tribute album. Featuring over 1h45m of music in the form of 30 new covers of the soundtrack written by Christopher Larkin.
More than 40 musicians lend their talent to bring you this album spanning several different styles and genres, with fresh takes on the music from the game.

You can download this album for FREE by clicking on this picture =>

Or directly with this link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wgzowvxaxekib2s/Pixel_Mixers_-Voidheart%255BHollow_Knight%255D.zip/file

You can also watch and listen to the album on YouTube:

A HUGE THANK YOU to all the amazing musicians who participated in this project!

And a huge THANK YOU to every one of you who listened or downloaded this album 😀

If you wish you can support us here: https://ko-fi.com/pixelmixers