Octopath Traveler 2 – Crossed paths

As our very first release of 2024, we have the pleasure to share our Octopath Traveler 2 tribute album: Crossed Paths !

It is a 39 tracks tribute to the work of Yasunori Nishiki on the Octopath Traveler 2 OST.
More than 50 musicians worked on this and the tracks feature a wide variety of music styles, including EDM, Electro Chill, Solo Piano, Rock, Metal, Orchestral, Jazz, Folk and much more !

Thanks to Soundrop, you can now find this album on all major streaming platforms, as well as purchasing digitally on iTunes or Amazon:


Pick your favourite tracks here: https://forms.gle/LRtWKrUPgAiUnnaS7

Thank you to all the musicians who participate, to our Quality Control Team and special thanks to:
Michael Hoffmann (Mastering)
BG_Pixlarn (Artwork)
Hashel (Production)

If you wish you can support us here: https://ko-fi.com/pixelmixers

The Mitsuda Selection [Compilation Album]

Here is a compilation of some of our covers from our past albums: “Clockwork“, a tribute to Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross and “Shattered Memories“, a tribute to Xenogears, all composed by Yasunori Mitsuda.

Get the album on official streaming platforms: https://fanlink.tv/TheMitsudaSelection

It features 39 covers from those games:
Chrono Trigger (11 tracks)
Chrono Cross (9 tracks)
Graffiti Kingdom (1 track)
Xenogears (18 tracks)

You will find a wide variety of music styles, from solo piano, to metal, from orchestral to electro and more !

If you wish, you can support us here: https://ko-fi.com/pixelmixers

The Zelda Selection [Compilation Album]

Here is a compilation of some of our covers from our past 2 Zelda albums: “Hylian Downfall” & “Sunrise & Moonfall“.

It features 44 covers from those games:
The Legend of Zelda (3 tracks)
The Adventure of Link (2 tracks)
A Link to the Past (4 tracks)
Link’s Awakening (2 tracks)
Ocarina of Time (19 tracks)
Majora’s Mask (14 tracks)

You will find a wide variety of music styles, from solo piano, to metal, from orchestral to electro and more !

Get it / Listen to it on other official platforms: https://pixelmixers.fanlink.tv/TheZeldaSelection

If you wish, you can support us here: https://ko-fi.com/pixelmixers

Indies Games: The Great tale of the little ones vol.3

For the 3rd time, we made a tribute album to the awesome music from Indie Games.

This 3rd volume focuses on games released between 2017 and 2022. We made 40 tracks from 28 different games, including: A Hat in Time, Celeste, Chicory, Deltarune, Hades, Hollow Knight, Ori and more !
Be ready for an almost 3h journey into Indie Games music !

You can listen to this album on major streaming platforms or buy it on iTunes or Amazon:


Thank you to all the musicians who participate, to our Quality Control Team and special thanks to:
Erika Richards (Mastering)
Troisnyx (Artwork)
Hashel (Production)

If you wish you can support us here: https://ko-fi.com/pixelmixers

Okami & Okamiden: Sounds of Sunrise [Tribute Album]

We’re pleased to present our second album of 2021, “Sounds of Sunrise”, a tribute to Ōkami and its spiritual successor, Ōkamiden! Featuring over an hour and a half of music across 25 tracks, you’ll be taken back to Nippon through a variety of different musical genres – from epic orchestral imaginations, metal, piano arrangements and more!

You can download the album for FREE by clicking on this picture

Or directly by clicking this link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hrh9ggnyoqgnled/Pixel+Mixers+-+Sounds+of+Sunrise+[Okami+&+Okamiden].zip/file

The album is also available to listen on YouTube!

Have any favorite tracks? Let us know in our poll!

– Project Director: Hashel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcpg…
Artwork: 2 Players for Life https://www.instagram.com/2playersfor…
– Album Mastering: HeavyMetalMixer https://twitter.com/heavymetalmixer
– Special Thanks to Danilo Ciaffi, Tremendouz & LucasTheBeard

Interested in keeping up to date with our future projects or keen to get involved as a musician? Use the following links!

Pixel Mixers Discord https://discord.gg/2YmK66G
Pixel Mixers Subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelMixers/
Pixel Mixers Twitter https://twitter.com/Pixel_Mixers
Pixel Mixers FB https://www.facebook.com/PixelMixers/
Pixel Mixers Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/pixelmixers

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask: Sunrise & Moonfall [Tribute Album]

Today is the 31st of December 2020.
During this exhausting and nerve racking year, we worked on our newest huge album. This album is actually the 2nd largest album we’ve produced in our 5 year history.
From now on we’ll focus on relatively smaller projects.
The process took the full year, cost a lot of energy, but in the end it’s something we are all proud of!
So I’m very happy to introduce you to “Sunrise & Moonfall“, our tribute to the music from Majora’s Mask and Ocarina of Time!

You can download this album by clicking on this picture:

Or directly with this link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/frgfijv40rvieeu/Pixel_Mixers_-Sunrise%2526_Moonfall_%255BTLoZ_Ocarina_of_Time_%2526_Majora%2527s_Mask%255D.zip/file

This 4 disc album features 82 songs made by 98 musicians in a great variety of music styles ranging from traditional orchestral pieces and hard metal slam works, to smooth jazz suites and 80’s-style synthwave.

You can directly listen to it on youtube:

You can vote for your favourite tracks per disc:
– Oot Part 1: https://www.strawpoll.me/42266307
– Oot Part 2: https://www.strawpoll.me/42307265
– MM Part 1: https://www.strawpoll.me/42331632
– MM Part 2: https://www.strawpoll.me/42357056

A HUGE THANK YOU to all the amazing musicians who participated in this project.
And a huge THANK YOU to every one of you who downloaded this album 😀

Final Fantasy VII Remake – Beneath a Stolen Sky [Tribute Album]

After a very long break, mostly due to 2020 being a big mess, we are finally back with a new album. “Beneath a Stolen Sky” is a tribute to Midgar Area tracks from Final Fantasy VII, to keep the spirit of the Remake.
The title is of course inspired by Shinra building the “Floating Pizza” higher society city above the homes of the lower society people’s houses, stealing the sky from them.
And in these difficult times, even if you feel like your “sky” has been stolen from you, I hope that like the characters of the game, you’ll find a way to smile and get it back.

You can download this album by clicking on this picture:

Or directly with this link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v292tiel8oxfhx0/Pixel_Mixers_-_Beneath_a_Stolen_Sky_%255BFinal_Fantasy_VII_Remake%252C_Part_1%255D.zip/file

This album features 23 re-arrangements/remixes from tracks that you can hear in the Midgar area in the original FFVII game + the Remake main theme “Hollow”.

This album involved more than 30 musicians and is the 1st of a compilation of albums that will more or less follow the the releases of the next parts of the Remake, also including the original tracks.

You can also listen fully to it on Youtube:

You can also vote for your favourite songs of album!
=> https://www.strawpoll.me/20906477

And a huge THANK YOU to every one of you who listened and/or downloaded this album 😀

– Project Director: Hashel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcpgG0SRIUPuY-HSS_QWgBw
Artworks: Mind Waker https://www.artstation.com/mind_waker
– Album Mastering: Thebitterroost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpsePmT-FvmsaAx_9eiFupw

“Heroes” A Charity Tribute Album for Child’s Play (ft. GameGrooves)

We are really proud to present you our very first licensed album!
This album was co-organized with GameGrooves and is to the full benefit of the Child’s Play organization!

You can listen to it on Spotify, Deezer or you can get it on iTunes, Amazon etc simply by clicking on this picture:


Or with this link: https://lnk.to/heroespm

Child’s Play‘s goal is to improve the lives of children through the power of play and support Children’s Hospitals, Clinics & Domestic Violence Shelters.

This album called “Heroes” is a compilation of 15 famous themes from a collection of children friendly games released during the last 4 decades.
Including: Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic and more recent ones such as Undertale or Celeste.

And you can directly watch it on Youtube:

Thanks a lot to everyone who made this possible!

– Album Organizers: Allen Brasch, Hashel
– Mastering: James C. Hoffman
– Artwork: 2 Players for Life
– Videos and Teasers: Chromatic Apparatus

What are your favourite tracks on this album?
Vote here to let us know: https://www.strawpoll.me/20451821

Mega Man X – Mavericks of Destruction [Tribute Album]

The Pixel Mixers Community is really proud to present you their very first album linked to the Mega Man Series, with Mavericks of Destruction, a Mega Man X Series tribute album!

You can download the full album (35 tracks) for free by clicking on this picture =>

Mavericks of Destruction [2 Players For Life]

Or directly with this link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0qd534ajym2x2ut/Pixel_Mixers_-_Mavericks_of_Destruction_%255BMega_Man_X%255D.zip/file

This album was the first organized by Dewey Newt for the Pixel Mixers Community.

“Hello, Dewey Newt here! Thank you for taking the time to check out Mavericks of Destruction, Pixel Mixer’s tribute to the music from the Mega Man X franchise. I am honoured to have worked with all the musicians on this project to create an album befitting the high-octane variety found in the original soundtracks. Thank you again for checking this album out! I hope that you enjoy all of our hard work.”

This album features 35 tracks from the whole Mega Man X Series.
Nearly 50 musicians put their heart into this almost 2 hours long tribute to MMX music!

This album, of course, features a lot of rock/metal tracks, but also includes plenty of electronic, chill, and orchestral music.

And guess what? You can listen to it directly on Youtube!

You can also vote for your favourite songs of album!
First half: https://www.strawpoll.me/18782988
Second half: https://www.strawpoll.me/18782999

And a huge THANK YOU to every one one of you who listened and/or downloaded this album 😀

– Project Director: Dewey Newt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoFEqKMzeXkaIbt0_CtVdQ
– Artwork: 2 Players for Life https://www.instagram.com/2playersforlife/
– Album Mastering: Dacian Grada https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVDkhWI0arWWOzjKgVd3S2Q